Yay! It looks like there's some interest in an exchange, so let's get it going!
1.) Please email me at with the following information by Sunday, February 21 (midnight, mountain time):
Mailing Address
email address
website (if applicable)
favorite colors
2.) I will randomly assign recipients to each participant, and contact participants through email (hopefully by Monday evening). This is a SURPRISE exchange! You may check out the person's blog/website, etc. who you will be mailing a package to, but please don't reveal your identity until packages have reached their destinations!
3.) Please send your packages out by March 20 (the first day of Spring!). Prior to sending out your package, please take photos and share on your blog, if you have one. It will be be fun seeing what everyone is sending out!
This is a "Can't Wait 'til Spring!" exchange, so please include 3-5 cheerful, lift-your-spirit, Spring-themed items. I want this to be fun, not costly, so try to keep the TOTAL amount spent under $20 and get creative--handmade is always great!
Here are a few ideas:
bright-colored tote bag
fruity lip balm
light reading
light-weight scarf
gardening accessories
found objects from nature
If you have any other ideas, please feel free to leave them in the comment section. Also, feel free to contact me with any questions via my email or through comments.
Have fun,
Katie :)
P.s. I took the above picture yesterday while exploring our backyard with my boys. This will be our first spring in this house/yard, so I'm excited to see what bulbs have been planted. So many surprises await!
Katie, this sounds fun! If I had acrafty bone in my body I'd join. I can't wait until spring either and although it's still freezing, I see little signs of spring here too. The days are getting longer too!
Yay! I'm excited to join.
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